I have written a song which I’d like you to listen to and consider using. Where do I send it?

I have written a song which I’d like you to listen to and consider using. Where do I send it?

In truth this is very difficult for me to do this. I get a large number of song submissions, albums and “works in progress” and I can’t find the time to review even a fraction of them. The best place to send any works that you have composed is to the Artist and Repertoire person in one of the main record companies.(A and R department) It’s their job to listen to submitted songs and they have the best means of using your work, if they recognise gifting and talent. Remember if God wants’ your song to get “out there” no one will be able to stop it! Make sure you send only one, two or at most three songs and make the recordings as high quality as possible. At least make sure they can be listened to! The main Christian recording publishers can be found on line or by flicking through any Christian Music magazines you might come across.


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All content, images, text, music and videos are copyright Robin Mark/Elijah music and may not be reproduced, copied etc without prior and explicit permission.
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