How do I book for Concerts in the USA, Canada, Northern Ireland, the UK and Ireland, and Europe?

How do I book for Concerts in the USA, Canada, Northern Ireland, the UK and Ireland, and Europe?

Here are some guidelines for folks wanting to book Robin for a concert in one of the above five areas. The procedure and options are different for each area!

For USA.

Robin travels during each summer on an O1 Visa to the USA and spends an extended time there from around June through September each year. During this time there is a much better chance you would be able to book him as the costs for international travel are spread over all his hosts. He also normally brings his Belfast band for part of that time and costs for that great team are greatly reduced from what you would have to pay to bring a 7 person team over to the US from Ireland for one event. When you contact us we will eventually send out a preliminary document detailing all the options and costs etc. That happens around November of any year for dates in the following summer months. We organise all his concerts ourselves and do not use an agency. Please do not request details on behalf of others or as a purely speculative enquiry.

For Canada

Robin is committed to a number of organisations and hosts in Canada including Promise Keepers, Breakforth, and Unite Productions. These groups, and a few others,  are able to facilitate Robin at conferences, or, as is the case with Unite Productions, on short tours with his band from Ireland. he does not do solo concerts in Canada and it is extremely expensive to bring his band out from Belfast. So please be aware of that if you think you would like to host a concert to raise funds for some worthy cause. It is often not feasible to do that due to the initial costs. We are sorry about that but it is purely logistics. If you are interested in a concert let us know and we will see if we can include your location in one of the Unite tours or similar. In that way you have no risk, and you get to host him! Robin supports the ministry of Compassion International on his Canadian tours with Unite because of the extended tour dates and has seen many hundreds of children in third world environments sponsored..

Northern Ireland

We get very many requests from our home country. There is a huge backlog as, since it is a small place (but a lovely place!) it is really only possible to do one or two concerts each year. There is a fee as the sound company we use and the fact that many of Robin's musicians are semi-professional, mean a cost is incurred. We hope you can understand his limitations at home.

UK and Ireland and Europe.

Robin has recently been using a Northern Ireland based Christian promoter to organise some tours in the Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and Europe. We hope to continue to do this. Please note. It keeps expenses and costs to a minimum if a tour of several dates can be arranged. Since this takes some time, we are not always able to respond immediately to a request. However, Robin and team are interested in increasing the number of events they do in the UK, Ireland and Europe, wherever feasible, so let us know. Again, please note, there is a fee to have Robin and band attend. And travel costs can be extensive.


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